
As the most influential and most watched news program in China, CCTV news network has accompanied the growth memory of generations.Ouyang Xiadan, the "national face" of CCTV, caused controversy from the "disappearance" of CCTV. The reasons behind it are distressingThe hosts of "news network" have always been the focus of attention. Among them, the dignified and generous Ouyang Xiadan impressed people with his charm and was rated as the "most American face" of CCTV by the audience.Ouyang Xiadan, the "national face" of CCTV, caused controversy from the "disappearance" of CCTV. The reasons behind it are distressingHowever, it is surprising that in the rising stage of her career, she suddenly "disappeared" from CCTV and didn't see her on the program for a long time. The reason behind it is distressing.Ouyang Xiadan, the "national face" of CCTV, caused controversy from the "disappearance" of CCTV. The reasons behind it are distressingWhat the hell is going on? Now let's go into her story to find out.01Ouyang Xiadan was born in an ordinary family in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Although she is not a wealthy family, her parents attach great importance to her education and training and have made a lot of efforts for it金牛座,白羊座,水瓶座,天蝎座,摩羯座感情都是非常专一的,在婚后也会特别宠爱自己的老婆。在十二星座当中,婚后一直很专一,并且宠爱老婆的星座,主要有金牛座,天蝎座和白羊座。找这些星座的人当老公会很幸福。婚后很宠爱老婆,感情也很专一的星座非金牛座莫属了,金牛座的人在感情上是非常专一的,是很值得依赖和信任的摩羯座理性克制独立自主有安全感有原则有底线固执死板